Friday, 7 March 2014

Ukraine and the International Money Mafia...

What has happened to a world that truly believes that military force and flexing of such a muscle would ever help “relieve tensions?”. Oh times are stressful at the minute with all this austerity and fucking of the disabled but I can't think a tank driving down my street would help soothe me. So why would the USS Truxton in the Black Sea help ease any tension over Crimea? It won't, just like facing a peaceful protest with riot gear does not calm anything, only incites something it is meant to be “relieving”... Violence.

So why would the US do this? Also, why would the EU and the likes of David Cameron want anything to do with this? It seems idiotic to meet Russia with such a blatant flexing of such a said muscle. This all comes down to money.

Russia can station up to 25,000 troops in the region of Crimea, I won't go all the way into the history, Russian Prince Grigory Potemkin founded port city of Sevastopol in 1783 and there has been a Russian Naval presence in the region ever since. But when the people of Crimea ask for the Russians to help and they do... Who is anybody to question that or try and impose sanctions? Especially with all the unrest over the new founded self appointed government, which all of which is going to be subjected to a voting process in the near future, the people of Crimea have a right to feel a little uneasy until voting begins after the levels of violence seen in Kiev by all sides.

So how does this all lead to money? Still haven't explained that part have I. Well if you are aware of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and what that actually does then you needn't read on. The International Money Mafia helps spread that global debt around, look at what joining the EU did to Greece, now they want out of the EU! Globalisation is being achieved through debt, get a country into debt by lending them vast amounts of money and then they have to pay back with interest. Why do you see George (Gideon) Osborne waving a cheque book at the Ukraine, he wants them indebted to the west so that when repayments fail another agreement can be met, something like fracking for shale gas and taking natural resources out of that country, stripping any and every asset possible and making money and profits on it that only goes into private pockets. So basically you end up with the Ukraine in a environmental, political and financial mess, not to mention at the knees of the US and EU for survival. Stockholm Syndrome will have set in by then thus globalisation has the Ukraine netted and netted well.

It is all a ruse, a show if you will, just like Iraq's WMDs. How the likes of John Kerry can say this breaches International Law after such a blatant flaunting of such laws by invading Iraq is just beyond me. Some people may call the US the World Police, I would call them the World Bully.

You will not be hearing this side of the story on any of your news channels but you will see the trends within the economic/financial press. It is always good to keep an eye on where the markets for the energy industries are moving as this is a closer representation of how news events are unfolding, for example there has been a lot of interest in the oil under Venezuela since all the unrest over there.

How long can this suicidal ruling of the world carry on? How long can it happen under the farce of Democracy?

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