Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The black gold and cost of it...

I start this blog with some confusion, money. Now don’t get me wrong I understand money is the way many people sustain and regulate their lives, generally consumed by it and the need to have more of it. In the most basic description it is just paper with some fancy looking print and holograms upon it of which man generally associates as a valuable asset.

I could understand it having “value” if it was regulated by being attached to a precious metal as it once used to be but no longer. The US dollar is now controlled by future oil exploration and a forecast of what oil can be extracted from the earth to support the dollar, so basically it is based on something that is in the ground that can’t be seen but certainly is what rules the world. Future oil exploration is becoming difficult in the traditional sense of acquiring oil as the reserves throughout the sea beds are not only becoming more scarce but with the growing debt that consumes the US and the threat of oil running out has seen times changing behind political closed doors.

Over the last 20 years the desperation for extracting the black gold has been one that generally requires a lot of political corruption of nations and failing that military intervention, if we cannot corrupt, we shall conquer.

This sort of mentality that adopts use of the military to extract a resource out of the earth is somewhat barbaric as in every war there are casualties. Now to you or I that is a tragic loss of life that could have been avoided if the politics had been more, well political... Mutual agreements on oil extraction and sale of the oil surely could be met. However that isn’t the stance that is taken when it comes to the old black gold because human lives can just be expendable with this quest, from soldiers to civilians and even environmental damage can be wrote off as a cost of doing business. There it is again, money... These pieces of paper, fancy pieces of paper can dictate whether a nation remains peaceful or war torn. Whether a child grows up in a loving family home or has to watch their family burn because of some other nation’s greed and lack of human emotion.

And after all that war and the oil has been taken what happens to this “national debt”? Does it reduce slightly because of the billions of dollars the oil has created? No, the tax payer pays for the troops to go and “liberate” this oil, the oil is extracted and sold back to the tax payer at a highly increased cost and the profits flow back up stream not caring how much destruction that has been left in the aftermath of this crusade. A thought has to be generated for all the people of these oil hungry nations that cannot afford the basic heating needs to survive the cold months; it kind of seems pointless that a nation is stripped of a natural resource to support another which cannot support its own poorest people.

What is the point? Have we as a species not evolved enough to stop wallowing in this fakery? If the money has begun to overrule the basic instincts of natural law (knowing right and wrong) on international levels then when is it going to stop?

We the people are the real commodity, the fruits of our labours pay the way for these atrocities to happen. The government is supposed to look after the people and respect people’s views but this has been distorted through time teaching people that we need these individuals in power to lead us. If we are ever required to be lead in a direction should it be one of this nature? 

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